Based on the characters from the DC Universe created by DC Comics and the Lego DC Super Heroes' Batman toy line, the film is an international co-production between the United States, Australia, and Denmark, the first spin-off in The Lego Movie film series and the second installment overall. It was directed by Chris McKay in his directorial debut, and written by Seth Grahame-Smith, Chris McKenna, Erik Sommers, Jared Stern, and John Whittington, and produced by Dan Lin, Roy Lee, and Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. The Lego Batman Movie is a 2017 computer-animated superhero comedy film produced by the Warner Animation Group, DC Entertainment, RatPac Entertainment, Lego System A/S, Dan Lin's Lin Pictures, Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's Lord Miller Productions, Roy Lee's Vertigo Entertainment, and Animal Logic, and distributed by Warner Bros.